- Khu vực: Châu Âu
- Quốc gia: Hà Lan
- Bậc học: Đại học
- Học bổng: Học bổng bán phần
- Hạn nộp hồ sơ: 01/02/2017
Bậc học: Đại học
Ngành học: Nghệ thuật, Khoa học
Scholarship Award: The USP Scholarship is a grant towards study and living costs. The value is €12,000. The USP scholarship is intended for students with an excellent academic profile, but who require financial assistance to study. Evidence of social engagement and extracurricular activities will support your request for funding.
Scholarship can be taken in the Netherlands
Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for scholarship:
Non-EU students (paying international tuition fees) with an excellent academic profile.
Nationality: International applicants are eligible to apply for these scholarships.
How to Apply: Submit a letter of motivation to explain why you believe you should be considered for a scholarship. This should:
- Be a maximum of 500 words in a Word document.
- Explain why you believe you deserve a scholarship and why you need financial assistance for your studies (this is not why you want to apply for the Liberal Arts and Sciences degree as you will have already explained this in your application).
- Explain your experiences with social engagement and extracurricular events. Explain how you want to contribute to society in the future, what issues are important to you and why it is important for you to be awarded the USP scholarship. Also, explain your ambitions and how you would like to achieve these ambitions and goals during your studies at UCG.
- Be emailed to new students.ucg-at-rug.nl no later than 1 February 2017- the email title must be: ‘Letter of Motivation – USP Scholarship’.
- In order to be eligible for this scholarship, you must complete your application in OAS before 1 February 2017 as well.
- The final funding decision will be communicated to you by the Admission & Selection Coordinator.
Hạn nộp hồ sơ: 01/02/2017
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